What should you look for when selecting the best pot for your plant?

Customers of planter pot as a wholesale may frequently ask you for assistance in selecting the right size and form for their plants.
Your planter pot's size, material, and shape matter just as much as the plant you choose to put in. The wrong pot can stunt your plant's growth or make it difficult to maintain.
If you want to grow your potted plants as successfully as feasible, it's beneficial to understand more about the relationship between plant pots and plants.
Along with choosing a planter that looks good, you also need to ensure that it's the right size and shape for the plant.
Here are some guides to assist your clients in making the best decision possible for their plants.

Container Soils 101

Let's start with the basics.

The growing medium, or soil, is just as important as the pot itself in your container garden.

Plants need well-draining soil that contains the proper nutrients for plants to thrive.

When it comes to container gardening, you have two options for potting soil:

  • pre-mixed
  • and self-mixing.

Pre-mixed soils are already blended with the necessary nutrients for your plants. You have to add it to your pot and plant your chosen flowers or vegetables.

On the other hand, self-mixing soils need to be mixed with additional nutrients before you can use them.

The advantage of self-mixing soils is that you can customize the blend to specifically meet the needs of your plants.

The downside is that their price is high and will be time-consuming to prepare.

How potting mix works with water

Having covered the basics of potting soil, let's talk about how it works with water in your pot.

When you water your plants, the water seeps down through the soil and into the roots.

The roots then absorb the water and nutrients they need to grow.

  • However, the water will have trouble seeping through if the soil is too dense. This can lead to overwatering, which can drown your plants.
  • Conversely, if the soil is too loose, the water will drain away before the roots can absorb it. This can lead to under-watering, which can cause your plants to wilt and die.

The ideal potting soil is loose enough to allow water to seep through but dense enough to hold onto the water and nutrients the roots need.

When watering, always check the soil before adding more water. If the soil is dry, give your plants a good drink. If the soil is wet, wait until it can dry out before watering again.

Two forces in watering

When you are watering to potting mix, though, there are two opposing forces at work:

  • gravity
  • capillary action.


All objects are pulled downwards by gravity. This includes water.

When you water your plants, the water flows down through the soil until it reaches the bottom of the pot.

Capillary action

Water is also drawn upwards by capillary action. This is when the forces of attraction between water molecules and the surface of a container (in this case, soil particles) are strong enough to overcome the force of gravity.

The smaller the diameter of the container (or soil particles), the stronger the forces of attraction and the higher the water will be drawn up.

This is why it's essential to choose a potting mix with small soil particles. The smaller particles will allow the water to be drawn up more efficiently and help prevent your plants from becoming waterlogged.

How much water does your plant need?

The amount of water for your plant will depend on several factors, including:

  • Plant types
  • Size & Material of the plant pot
  • The climate

For most plants, a good rule of thumb is to water them when the top inch of soil is dry.

Check the moisture by sticking your finger into the soil. If it feels dry to the touch, it's time to water.

If you're unsure when you should water your plants, check the instructions that came with the plant.

Why your plant's pot shape, size & material matters

The pot you choose for your plant will affect how often you need to water it.

For example, a plant in a deep pot will need to be watered less often than a plant in a shallow pool.

This is because the more bottomless pot will hold more moisture, and the roots will be able to access the water they need without you having to water as often.

The size of the plant pot will also affect how often you need to water. A small jar will dry out more quickly than a large pot, so you'll need to water more frequently.

The pot shape

When it comes to pot shape, there are two main types:

  • round pots
  • square pots

Round pots

Round pots are best for plants that need to be watered frequently.

The round shape allows water to flow evenly through the soil, so the roots can access the moisture they need without being waterlogged.

Square pots

Square pots are best for plants that need to be watered less often.

The square shape prevents water from flowing evenly through the soil, making the roots less likely to become waterlogged.

When choosing a pot for your plant, consider the plant's watering needs. Ask a staff member at your local nursery if you're not sure.

The pot size

With identical soil, the perched water level height will always be the same in containers of different sizes when they are initially filled with water.

However, due to differences in soil volume and surface area, the rate of water evaporation will differ.

As a result, the frequency with which containers need to be watered will also differ.

In general, larger containers will need to be watered less often than smaller containers.

This is because larger containers have a greater soil volume, which means they can hold more water. They also have a larger surface area, which means they will lose water to evaporation at a slower rate.

The plant pot material

The material your pot is made from will also affect how often you need water.

For example, pots made from porous materials like clay or terracotta will dry out more quickly than pots made from non-porous materials like plastic or glazed ceramic.

The porous materials allow water to evaporate through the pot's walls, so you'll need to water more often.

Non-porous materials, on the other hand, will help prevent water from evaporating, so you won't need to water as often.

Choosing the right pots for plants

Plant Pot Choice

  • Tall, thin pots dry out faster than short, wide pots for identical volume containers.
  • Pick a tall, narrow container for a plant that needs to be kept on the dry side.
  • For a plant that prefers moister conditions, go with a shorter, wider pot.
  • To reduce how often you water your plants, look for pots with drainage holes and saucers.
  • The drainage holes will help prevent the roots from sitting in water, and the saucers will catch any water that flows out of the holes.
  • You can also use pots with self-watering systems. These pots have a reservoir that holds water, which is then wicked up into the soil as needed.
  • Self-watering pots are the best choices for plants that need to be kept evenly moist, like ferns and African violets.

Watering Schedule

You may need to top it off every week or so, depending on the size of the pot and the plant.

  • When you have drainage holes and saucers, you'll need to water your plants more often than if you didn't have them.
  • Pots without drainage holes will require less frequent watering, but you risk overwatering and damaging the plant.
  • If you're using a self-watering pot, you'll still need to keep an eye on the water level in the reservoir. Add water when it gets low, and empty the reservoir if it starts to overflow.

Soil/Potting Mix Choice

When it comes to potting mix, you'll want to use a lightweight mix that drains well.

Soil is too heavy for pots and can lead to compaction, preventing water from flowing through the soil.

A potting mix is a lightweight mixture of materials that help improve drainage and aeration.

Some common ingredients in the potting mix include

  • peat Moss,
  • perlite,
  • And vermiculite.

When choosing a potting mix, make sure it's appropriate for the plant you're growing.

For example, cactus and succulent plants need a potting mix that drains quickly to prevent root rot.

On the other hand, plants that prefer moister conditions, like ferns, need a potting mix that holds onto water a bit more.

Fertilizer Choice

Finally, you'll also need to choose the right fertilizer for your plants.

The fertilizer you use will depend on the plant you're growing and the time of year.

For example, most plants need more fertilizer during the spring and summer when they're actively growing.

During the fall and winter, plants enter a period of dormancy, so they'll need less fertilizer.

You can find fertilizers specifically formulated for different plants, or you can use a general-purpose fertilizer.

When using fertilizer, be sure to follow the directions on the package. Applying too much fertilizer can damage your plants.


Choosing a planter pot for your favorite plant doesn't have to be complicated.

Taking all of these things into account, you can assure your customer that their plants will thrive in their new environment.

If you're still looking for more assistance in the floral planting business, don't hesitate to contact Brice Gardening. We would be pleased to help you as a professional flower planter manufacturer.

Paul - Maytown

Hi, I'm Paul from Brice Gardening. I have been working in gardening products industry for over 10 years. Feel free to contact us if you want to wholesale planter pots & misters.

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